Friday, December 19, 2008

How frequently should we assess students?

Our third session was all about teaching and learning, and the missing link between them. As always the session was well planed and organized. Elena did a truly terrific job. Analyzing past three sessions I could conclude that planning your session is the best way to go. As one of the attendees quoted:
Fail to plan, and you plan to fail.

But this is not what I will be considering today. Today I would like to share my opinion on how frequently should we assess our students. There is possibly no 100% correct answer that would fit into any situation. Before deciding one should consider different factors like culture, etc.

In Uzbekistan we have post USSR teaching system, so self-study and independent learning is not promoted here. Independent learning ends with the homework. That is probably why students here got used to be dragged from A to B. I myself used to be just like that. That is why I think that we should constantly assess students here in Uzbekistan. This will not let them loosen up and positive/constructed feedback will motivate them.

Assessments don’t have to be formal, I also agree that we physically can not mark all students every session. I suggest we evaluate (word suggested by Elena) rather than assess our students, but do it constantly.

Constantly evaluate your students.


Hybrid Trader said...

Test comment.

Hybrid Trader said...

One more comment to test, >1 comment scenario.